
渾名 名前 Nickname Name
呼保義 宋江 the Timely Rain Defender of Chivalry Song Jiang
The Opportune Rain Sung Chiang
Welcome Rain Sung Chiang
T Welcome Rain Sung Chiang
B le Héraut-de-justice Song Jiang
玉麒麟 盧俊義 Jade Unicorn Lu Junyi
The Jade Ch'i Lin Lu Chun I
Jeweled Chilin Lu Tsun-i
T Jeweled Chilin Lu Tsun-i
B la Licorne-de-jade Lu Jun-yi
智多星 呉用 the Wizard Wu Yong
The Great Inteligence Wu Yung
Clever Star Wu Yung
T Clever Star Wu Yung
B l'Astre-de-sapience Wu Yong
入雲竜 公孫勝 Dragon in the Cloud Gongsun Sheng
Dragon In The Clouds Kung Sun Sheng
Cloud Dragon Kung-Sun Sheng
T Cloud Dragon Kung-Sun Sheng
B le Dragon-entre-nuages Gong-sun Sheng
大刀 関勝 the Big Halberd Guan Sheng
The Great Sword Kuan Sheng
Big Sword Kuan Sheng
T Big Sword Kuan Sheng
B le Grand-cimeterre Guan Sheng
豹子頭 林冲 Panther Head Lin Chong
The Leopard Head Ling Ch'ung
Leopard's Head Lin Ch'ung
T Leopard's Head Lin Ch'ung
B Tête-de-léopard Lin Chong
霹靂火 秦明 Thunderbolt Qin Ming
The Fire In The Thunder Clap Ch'ing Ming
Thunderer Chin Ming
T Thunderer Chin Ming
B La Foudre Qin Ming
双鞭 呼延灼 Two Rods Huyan Zhuo
Double Clubs Hu Yien Shu
Two Bludgeons General Hu Yen-shao
T General with Two Bludgeons Hu Yen-sho
B Double-fouet Hu-yan Zhuo
小李広 花栄 渾名なし(泣) Hua Rong
Little Li Kuan Hua Yung
Small Li Kuang Hwa Jung
T Small Li Kuang Hwa Jung
B le Petit Li Guang Hua Rong
小旋風 柴進 the Small Whirlwind Chai Jin
The Little Whirlwind Ch'ai Chin
Small Whirlwind Ch'ai Chin
T Small Whirlwind Ch'ai Chin
B le Petit-ouragan Chai Jin
撲天ちょう 李応 Heaven Soaring Eagle Li Ying
誤植(泣) 誤植(泣)
Striking Hawk Li Ying
T Swooping Hawk Li Ying
B l'Aigle-fouette-ciel Li Ying
美髯公 朱仝 Beautiful Beard Zhu Tong
The Beautiful Bearded Chu T'ung
Load of the Beautiful Whiskers Chu Tung
T Beautiful Whiskers Chu Tung
B Belle-barbe Zhu Tong
花和尚 魯智深 The Tattooed Monk Sagacious Lu
The Tattooed Priest Lu Chi Shen
Priest Hwa Lu Ta Lu Chi-shen使わず(謎)
T Priest Hwa Lu Ta Lu Chi-shen使わず(謎)
B le Bonze-tatoué Lu Zhi-shen
行者 武松 Pilgrim Wu Song
The Hairy Priest Wu Sung
Tiger Slayer Wu Sung
T Tiger Slayer Wu Sung
B le Pèlerin Wu Song
双鎗将 董平 General Two Spears Dong Ping
The Warrior Of The Two Spears Tung P'ing
Two Spears General Tung Ping
T Double Speared General Tung Ping
B Double-vouge Dong Ping
没羽箭 張清 Featherless Arrow Zhang Qin
The Featherless Arrow Chang Ch'ing
Arrow Without fearther Chang Ching
T Featherless Arrow Chang Chin
B Flèche-sans-penne Zhang Qing
青面獣 楊志 Blue-Faced Beast Yang Zhi
The Blue Faced Beast Yang Chi
Sallow Faced Brute Yang Chih
T Sallow Faced Brute Yang Chih
B le Fauve-à-face-bleue Yang Zhi
金鎗手 徐寧 the Metal Lancer Xu Ning
The Wielder Of The Golden Sword Ch'u Ling
Spear Expert Nsu Ning
T Unrivalled with the Halberd Hsu Ning
B le Lancier-d'or Xu Ning
急先鋒 索超 the Urgent Vanguard Suo Chao
The Swift Vanguard So Ch'ao
Hasty Scout So Ch'ao
T Hasty Scout So Ch'ao
B le Téméraire Suo Chao
神行太保 戴宗 the Marvellous Traveller Dai Zong
The Magic Messenger Tai Chung
Flying Priest Tai Tsung
T Flying Priest Tai Tsung
B le Messager-magique Dai Zong
赤髪鬼 劉唐 Red-Haired Demon Liu Tang
The Redheaded Devil Liu T'ang
Red haired Devil Liu Tang
T Red haired Devil Liu Tang
B le Diable-ô-poils-roux Liu Tang
黒旋風 李逵 Black Whirlwind Li kui
The Black Whirlwind Li K'uei
Black Whirlwind Iron Ox Li K'wei
T Black Whirlwind Iron Ox Li K'wei
B le Tourbillon-noir Li Kui
九紋竜 史進 Nine Dragons Shi Jin
The Nine Doragoned Shih Chin
Tattooed Dragon Shih Chin
T Tattooed Dragon Shih Chin
B le Dragon-bleu Shi Jin
没遮らん 穆弘 the Unreatrained Mu Hong
He Whom No Obstacle Can Stay Mu Hung
Invulnerable One Mu Heng
T The Invulnerable Mu Heng
B l'Indomptable Mu Hong
插翅虎 雷横 Winged Tiger Lei Heng
The Winged Tiger Lei Heng
Winged Tiger Lei Heng
T Winged Tiger Lei Heng
B le Tigre-volant Lei Heng
混江竜 李俊 the Turbulent River Dragon Li Jun
The Dragon Who Roils River Li Chun
Muddy Water Dragon Li Chun
T Muddy Waters Dragon Li Chun
B le Dragon-brasse-fleuve Li Jun
立地太歳 阮小二 Ferocious Giant Ruan Second Brother
The God Of Swift Death Juan The Second
Year's God Who Stands His Ground Yuan The Second
T God of Swift Death Yuan,the Second
B なし Ruan-le-Deuxième
船火児 張横 the Boat Flame Zhang Heng
The Boatman Chang Heng
Ship's Apprentice Chang Heng
T Boatman Chang Heng
B le Nautonier Zhang Heng
短命二郎 阮小五 Recklessly Rash Ruan Fifth Brother
The Short Lived Juan The Fifth
Short Life Erh Lang Yuan The Fifth
T Brief life Yuan,the Fifth
B なし Ruan-le-Cinquième
浪裏白跳 張順 White Streak in the Waves Zhang Shun
White Stripe In The Waves Chang Shun
White Fish Chang Shun
T White Fish Chang Shun
B l'Anguille-blanche Zhang Shun
活閻羅 阮小七 Devil Incarnate Ruan Seventh Brother
The Fierce King Of Devils Juan The Seventh
Living Pluto Yuan The Seventh
T King of Death Yuan,the Seventh
B なし Ruan-le-Septième
病関索 楊雄 the Pallid Yang Xiong
The Sick Kuan So Yang Hsiung
Sick Kwan So Yang Hsiung
T Sick Kwan So Yang Hsiung
B le Guan Suo Malade Yang Xiong
へん命三郎 石秀 the Rush Shi Xiu
The One Who Heeds Not His Life Shih Hsiu
Life Risker Shih Hsiu
T Life Risker Shih Hsiu
B Blave-la-mort Shi Xiu
両頭蛇 解珍 Two-Headed Snake Xie Zhen
The Double Headed Snake Hsieh Chen
Double Headed Snake Hsieh Chen
T Double Headed Snake Hsieh Chen
B le Serpent-à-deux-têtes Xie Zhen
双尾蝎 解宝 Twin-Tailed Scorpion Xie Bao
The Double Tailed Scorpion Hsieh Pao
Double Tailed Scorpion Hsieh Pao
T Double Tailed Scorpion Hsieh Pao
B le Scorpion-à-deux-queues Xio Bao
浪子 燕青 the Prodigy Yan Qing
The Prodigal Yien Ch'ing
Graceful One Yen Ch'ing
T Graceful One Yen Ch'ing
B le Prodigue Yan Qing
神機軍師 朱武 Miraculous Strategist Zhu Wu
The Wily Warrior Chu Wu
Skillful Strategist Chu Wu
T Skilful Strategist Chu Wu
B le Génial-tacticien Zhu Wu
鎮三山 黄信 Suppresser of Three Mountains Huang Xin
He Whom Rules Three Mountains Huang Hsin
Guardian of Three Mountains Huang Hsin
T Guardian of Three Mountains Huang Hsin
B le Maître-des-trois-monts Huang Xin
病尉遅 孫立 the Sickly General Sun Li
The Sick Warrior Sheng Li
Sick Wei Chih Sun Li
T Sick Wei Chih Sun Li
B le Yu-chi Malade Sun Li
醜郡馬 宣贊 the Ugly Son-in-Law Xuan Zan
The Ugly Warrior Hsuan Tsan
Disgraced Son-in-law Hsuan Tsan
T Disgraced Son-in-law Hsuan Tsan
B le Hideux Xuan Zan
井木かん かく思文 Wild Dog Hao Siwen
The Guardian Star God Hao Ssu Wen
Ching Mu Han Hao Ssu-wen
T Ching Mu Han Hao Ssu-wen
B le Gémeau Hao Si-wen
百勝将 韓滔 the Ever-Victrious General Han Tao
Victor In A Hundred Battles Han T'ao
Hundred Victors General Han Tao
T General of a Hundred Victories Han Tao
B l'Invincible Han Tao
天目将 彭き the Eyes of Heaven General Peng Qi
The Eye Of Heaven P'eng Ch'i
Heavenly Eyes General Peng Chi
T General with Celestial Eyes Peng Chi
B l'Ceil-céleste Peng Qi
聖水将 単廷珪 the Water General Shan Tinggui
Swift In Water Shang T'ing-kwei
Water Devil General Shan Ting Kuei
T Water Devil Shan Ting-kwei
B le Mage-de-l'eau Shan Ting-gui
神火将 魏定国 the Fire General Wei Dingguo
Warrior Of Fire Wei Ting Kuo
Fire Devil General Wei Ting-kwo
T Fire Devil Wei Ting-kwo
B le Mage-de-feu Wei Ding-guo
聖手書生 蕭譲 the Master Hand Xiao Rang
The Magic Scribe Siao Jang
Skilled Calligraphist Hsiao Jang
T Skilled Calligraphist Hsiao Jang
B le Calligraphe-à-main-surnaturelle Xiao Rang
鉄面孔目 裴宣 Ironclad Virtue Pei Xuan
The Iron Faced P'ei Hsuan
Iron Supervisor Pei Hsuan
T Iron Clerk Pei Hsuan
B le Masque-de-fer Pei Xuan
摩雲金翅 欧鵬 Golden Wings Brushing the Clouds Ou Peng
Eagle In The Clouds Ou P'eng
Golden Winged Hawk O Peng
T Golden Winged Hawk O Peng
B Ailes-d'or-dans-les-nuages Ou Peng
火眼しゅん猊 とう飛 the Red-eyed Lion Deng Fei
The Red Eyed Lion Teng Fei
Blood-Shot-Eyed Demon Teng Fei
T Demon with Bloodshot Eyes Teng Fei
B le Lion-aux-yeux-de-feu Deng Fei
錦毛虎 燕順 Elegant Tiger Yan Shun
The Five Hued Tiger Yien Shun
Sleek Tiger Yen Shun
T Sleek Tiger Yen Shun
B le Tigre-de-moire Yan Shun
錦豹子 楊林 the Elegant Panther Yang Lin
The Five Hued Leopard Yang Ling
Glorious Leopard Yang Lin
T Gay Leopard Yang Lin
B le Léopard-de-brocart Yang Lin
轟天雷 凌振 Heaven-Shaking Thunder Ling Zhen
Thunder That Shakes The Heaven Ling Chen
Roaling Thunder Ling Chen
T Roaling Thunder Ling Chen
B le Tonnerre-fracassant Ling Zhen
神算子 蒋敬 the Magic Calculater Jiang Jing
The God Of Accounting Chiang Ching
Marvelous Mathematician Chiang Chin
T Marvellous Mathematician Chiang Chin
B le Dieu-du-calcul Jiang Jing
小温侯 呂方 the Little Duke Lu Fang
The Lesser Duke Lu Fang
Little Marquis of Wen Lu Fang
T Lesser Load Lu Fang
B le Petit Duc Wen Lü Fang
賽仁貴 郭盛 the Second Rengui Guo Sheng
He Who Is Like Jen Kuei Of Old Kao Shen
Rival of Jen Kwei Kuo Sheng
T Jen Kwei Kuo Sheng
B le Rival-de-Ren-gui Guo Sheng
神医 安道全 Doctor An Taoquan
The Magic Physician An Tao Ch'uan
Skilled Doctor An Tao-ch'uan
T Skilled Doctor An Tao-ch'uan
B le Mire-surnaturel An Dao-quan
紫髯伯 皇甫端 the Purple Beard Huangfu Duan
The Purple Bearded Huang Fu Tuan
Purple Bearded Uncle Huang-Pu Tuan
T Purple Bearded Uncle Huang-Pu Tuan
B Moustache-pourpre Huang-fu Duan
矮脚虎 王英 Stumpy Tiger Wang Ying
The Dwarf Tiger Wang Ying
Stunted Tiger Wang Ying
T Stunted Tiger Wang Ying
B le Tigre-nain Wang Ying
一丈青 扈三娘 Ten Feet of Steel
The Ten Foot Green Snake The Goodwife Hu
Pure One Hu San (Miss)
T Pure Maid Hu San (Miss)
B Vipère-d'une-toise Hu-la-troisième
喪門神 鮑旭 the God of Death Bao Xu
The God Of Death Pao Su
Ill-Omened Devil Pao Hsu
T Devil of lll Omen Pao Hsu
B le Dieu-des-funérailles Bao Xu
混世魔王 樊瑞 Demon King Who Roils the World Fan Rui
King Of The Devils Who Roil Earth Fan Lui
Devil of Disorder Fan Jui
T Devil of Disorder Fan Jui
B le Roi-démon-bloulever-seur-de-mondes Pan Rui
毛頭星 孔明 the Comet Kong Ming
The Curly Haired K'ung Ming
Restless Star Kung Ming
T Restless Star Kung Ming
B la Comète Kong Ming
独火星 孔亮 the Flaming Star Kong Liang
Thr Lone Fire K'ung Liang
Fiery Planet Kung Liang
T Fiery Star Kung Liang
B le Mètèore Kong Liang
八臂那た 項充 Eight-Armed Nezha Xiang Chong
The Eight Armed Lo Chao Hsiang Ch'ung
Eight Arms Jinn Hsiang Cheng
T Eight Arms Jinni Hsiang Cheng
B le Na-tuo-à-huit-bras Xiang Chong
飛天大聖 李袞 the Flying Divinity Li Gun
The Heaven Flying God Li Kun
Flying Monkey Li Kun
T Flying Monkey Li Mien(多分漢字間違い)
B le Grand-saint-volant Li Gun
玉臂匠 金大堅 the Jade-Armed Craftman Jin Dajian
The Jade Armed Warrior Ching Ta Chien
Jade Arm Engraver Ching Ta-chien
T Precious Jade Engraver Ching Ta-chien
B l'Artisan-au-bras-de-jade Jin Da-jian
鉄笛仙 馬麟 the Elfin Flutist Mu Lin
The Magic Iron Flautist Ma Ling
Iron Flute Jinn Ma Lin
T Iron Flute Jinni Ma Lin
B l'Immortel-à-flûte-de-fer Ma Lin
出洞蛟 童威 the Dragon from the Cave Tong Wei
Crocodile Out Of The Hole T'ung Wei
Cave Crocodile Tung Wei
T Cave Crocodile Tung Wei
B le Crocodile-hors-de-son-trou Tong Wei
翻江蜃 童猛 the River Churning Clam Tong Meng
The Oyster That Turns The River Over T'ung Meng
Whirling Conch Shell Tung Meng
T Whirling Conch Tung Meng
B le Serpent-de-mer Tong Meng
玉旛竿 孟康 the Jade Flagpole Meng Kang
The Jade Banner Pole Meng K'an
Flagstaff Meng Kang
T Flagstaff Meng Kang
B Hampe-de-jade Meng Kang
通臂猿 侯健 the Long-Armed Ape Hua Jian
The Strong Armed Gorilla Hou Chien
Nimble Monkey Hou Chien
T Nimble Monkey Hou Chien
B le Gibbon Hou Jian
跳澗虎 陳達 Geoge-Leaping Tiger Chen Da
The George Leaping Tiger Ch'en Ta
Leaping Tiger Ch'en Ta
T Leaping Tiger Ch'en Ta
B le Tigre-sauteur-de-ravins Chen Da
白花蛇 楊春 White-Spotted Snake Yang Chun
The White Spotted Snake Yang Ch'un
White Flowered Snake Yang Chun
T White Speckled Snake Yang Chun
B l'Anguille-blanche Yang Chun
白面郎君 鄭天寿 the Fair-Faceed Gentleman Zheng Tianshou
The White Faced Googman Chen T'ien Shou
White Faced Squire Cheng T'ien-shou
T White Faced Squire Cheng Tien-shou
B le Sieur-à-face-blanche Zheng Tian-shou
九尾亀 陶宗旺 the Nine-Tailed Tortoise Tao Zongwang
The Nine Tailed Turtle T'ao Chung Wang
Nine Tailed Tortoise T'ao Tsung-wang
T Nine Tailed Tortoise T'ao Tsung-wang
B Tortue-à-neuf-queues Tao Zong-wang
鉄扇子 宋清 the Iron Fan Song Jing
The Iron Fan Sung Ch'ing
Iron Fan Sung Ching
T Iron Fan Sung Ching
B Éventail-de-fer Song Qing
鉄叫子 楽和 Iron Throat Yue Ho
The Iron Whistle Yo Ho
Iron Flute Yueh Ho
T Iron Flute Yueh Ho
B Sifflet-de-fer Yue He
花項虎 きょう旺 the Flowery-Necked Tiger Gong Wang
The Spotted Necked Tiger Kung Wang
Tiger with Marked Neck Kung Wang
T Spot Necked Tiger Kung Wang
B le Tigre-bleu Gong Wang
中箭虎 丁得孫 the Arrow-Struck Tiger Ding Desun
The Arrow Wounded Tiger Ting Te Sheng
Tiger Whose Arrows Hit the Mark Ting Te-sun
T Archer Tiger Ting Te-sun
B le Tigre-à-raillonnade Ding De-sun
小遮らん 穆春 the Slightly Restrained Mu Chun
The Lesser One Whom No Obstacle Can Stay Mu Ch'un
Young Irresistible Mu Chun
T The Irresistible Mu Chun
B le Redoutable Mu Chun
操刀鬼 曹正 the Demon Carver Cao Zheng
The Dagger Devil Ch'ao Cheng
Sword Grasping Devil Ts'ao Ch'eng
T Sword Grasping Devil Ts'ao Ch'eng
B le Démon-du-couperet Cao Zheng
雲裏金剛 宋万 Guardian of the Clouds Song Wan
The Guardian God In The Clouds Sung Wan
Diamond in the Clouds Sung Wan
T Diamond in the Clouds Sung Wan
B le Vajra-dansles-nuages Song Wan
摸着天 杜遷 Skyscraper Du Qian
Eagle Flutters Against The Sky Tu Ch'ien
Sky Feeler Tu Chien
T Touching the Sky Tu Chien
B Touche-le-ciel Du Qian
病大虫 薛永 the Sick Tiger Xue Yong
誤植(泣) 誤植(泣)
Sick Tiger Hsueh Yung
T Sick Tiger Hsueh Yung
B le Tigre-malade Xue Yong
金眼彪 施恩 Golden-eyed Tiger Cub Shi En
The Gold Eyed Tiger Cub Shih En
Golden Eyed Tiger's Cub Shih En
T Tiger Cub with Golden Eyes Shih En
B le Léopard-aux-yeux-d'or Shi En
打虎将 李忠 Tiger-Fighting General Li Zhong
The Warrior Who Wars Against Tiger Li Chung
Tiger Hunter Li Chung
T Tiger Hunter Li Chung
B le Tueure-de-tigres Li Zhong
小覇王 周通 the Little King Zhong Tung
The Little Tyrant King Chou T'ung
Little Tyrant Chou Tung
T Little Tyrant Chou Tung
B le Petit-potentat Zhou Tong
金銭豹子 湯隆 the Gold-Coin Spotted Leopard Tang Long
The Gold Spotted Leopard T'ang Lung
Cash Marked Leopard Tang Lung
T Spotted Leopard Tang Lung
B le Léopard-à-taches-d'or Tang Long
鬼臉児 杜興 Damon Face Du Xing
The Devil Faced Tu Hsing
Devil Faced Man Tu Hsing
T Devil Face Tu Hsing
B Face-de-démon Du Xing
出林竜 鄒淵 the Dragon from the Forest Zou Yuan
Dragon Out Of The Wood Chou Yuen
Forest Dragon Tsou Yuan
T Forest Dragon Tsou Yuan
B le Dragon-hors-des-bois Zou Yuan
独角竜 鄒潤 the One-Horned Dragon Zou Run
The One Horned Dragon Chou Jun
Horned Dragon Tsou Jen
T Horned Dragon Tsou Jen
B le Dragon-unicorne Zou Run
旱地忽律 朱貴 the Dry-Land Crocodile Zhu Gui
The Dry Land Water Beast Chu Kuei
Speedy Courier Chu Kwei
T Speedy Courier Chu Kwei
B le Caïman-sur-le-sec Zhu Gui
笑面虎 朱富 the Smiling Tiger Zhu Fu
The Smiling Faced Tiger Chu Fu
Laughing Tiger Chu Fu
T Laughing Tiger Chu Fu
B le Tigre-hilare Zhu Fu
鉄臂膊 蔡福 Iron Arm Cai Fu
The Iron Armed Ts'ai Fu
Iron Arm Ts'ai Fu
T Iron Arm Ts'ai Fu
B Bras-de-fer Cai Fu
一枝花 蔡慶 Single Blossom Cai Qing
The Single Flower Ts'ai Ch'ing
The Flower Ts'ai Ching
T The Flower Ts'ai Ching
B la Fleur Cai Qing
催命判官 李立 Hell's Summoner Li Li
The Pursuing God Of Death Li Li
Murderous Angel Li Li
T Murdering Angel Li Li
B l'Abrégeur-de-jours Li Li
青眼虎 李雲 the Black-eyed Tiger Li Yun
The Blue Eyed Tiger Li Yun
Black Eyed Tiger Li Yun
T Black Eyed Tiger Li Yun
B le Tigre-aux-yeux-verts Li Yun
没面目 焦挺 the Merciless Jiao Ting
The Faceless Chiao T'ing
Disliked One Chiao Ting
T The Unlikable Chiao Ting
B Connaît-personne Jiao Ting
石将軍 石勇 General Shi Shi Yong
The Stone Warrior Shih Yung
Stone General Shih Yung
T Stone General Shih Yung
B le Géneéral-de-pierre Shi Yong
小尉遅 孫新 the Junior General Sun Xin
The Lesser Yu Tse Sheng Sing
Small Wei Chih Sun Hsin
T Small Wei Chih Sun Hsin
B le Petit Yu-chi Sun Xin
母大虫 顧大嫂 the Tigress Mistress Gu
The Female Tiger The Goodwife Ku
Tigress Mrs.Ku
T Tigress Ku Ta Sau
B la Tigresse grande soeur Gu
菜園子 張青 the Vegetable Gardener Zhang Qing
The Gardener Chang Ch'ing
Vegetable Garden Chang Ch'ing
T Vegetable Gardener Chang Ch'ing
B le Jardinier Zhang Qing
母夜叉 孫二娘 Sun the Witch
The Female Savage The Goodwife Sheng
Night Ogre Mrs.Sun
T Night Ogre Mrs.Sun
B l'Ogresse la dame Sun-la-Cadette
活閃婆 王定六 Lightning Wang Dingliu
The Lively Female Wang Ting Lu
Living Pluto's Wife Wang Ting-liu
T Spirit of Summer Wang Ting-liu
B l'Éclair Wang Ding-le-Sixiême
険道神 郁保四 the Spirit of the Dangerous load Yu Baosi
なし(泣) Ju Pao Ssu
Colossal Spirit Yu Pao-ssu
T Colossal Spirit Yu Pao-ssu
B le Dieu-des-coupe-gorge Yu Bao-si
白日鼠 白勝 Daylight Rat Bai Sheng
Rat In The Daylight Pei Sheng
Daylight Rat Pai Sheng
T Daylight Rat Pai Sheng
B le Rat-en-plein-jour Bai Sheng
鼓上蚤 時遷 Flea on a Drum Shi Qian
Flea On A Drum Shih Ch'ien
Flea on the Drum Shih Ch'ien
T Flea on the Drum Shih Ch'ien
B la Puce-sur-le-tambour Shi Qian
金毛犬 段景住 the Golden Dog Duan Jingzhu
The Yellow Haired Dog Tuan Ching Chu
Golden Haired Dog Tuan Ching-chu
T Golden Haired Dog Tuan Ching-chu
B le Chien-à-poils-d'or Duan Jing-zhu